Choose the edition best for you
The Original Edition
Not sure what is going on? Not even sure why you need to see a rheumatologist? The Original Appointment Home Run Handbook has you covered!
The Original handbook covers everything your specialist will ask – setting you up for the best appointment ever!
The RA Edition
Sometimes we know before we walk in that Rheumatoid Arthritis will need to be considered.
This could be because you are having joint (specifically, hand) pain and swelling or because you have a positive Rheumatoid Factor blood test.
Regardless of the reason, the RA edition of Your Appointment Home Run Handbook covers everything you should be thinking about when seeing a rheumatologist.
The Lupus Edition
Having a consult for Lupus doesn’t have to be scary! Walk in prepared with this special Lupus edition of Your Appointment Home Run Handbook.
Whether it’s because you have a positive ANA blood test or have been having symptoms no one can explain, this special edition walks you through everything you should be thinking about and be ready to discuss with your rheumatologist.
The Collection
Want to cover all your bases and get the entire collection?
Get the original handbook AND every special edition section with the Complete Collection of Your Appointment Home Run Handbook. You’ll be covered from RA to Lupus, and likely everything in between!
What does an “appointment guide” even have in it?
When you have fatigue, brain fog or joint pain, it can feel impossible to convey everything you are feeling to your doctor in 30 minutes (the average arthritis appointment).
This handbook will walk you through the key symptoms & experiences you’ve been through to get you where you are today. What more, it will arrange all your info in a way your doctor can use, so they can help you get answers and relief faster.
Over 20 pages with easy to digest tips, tricks & worksheets to get the juices flowing and get organized.
Special editions have focused pages and exercises specific to the particular condition.
An autoimmune lifestyle worksheet designed to help you take an honest look at where you can make positive lifestyle changes.
A BONUS after-appointment review to collect your thoughts and get you acquainted with your new clinic.

Here’s the secret no one tells you…
Your doctor is only as good as the information available to them.
And when you have (or may have) arthritis or an autoimmune condition, 95% of that information comes from YOU.
But are you in the dark about what info is actually useful? You aren’t alone! Most people don’t know what I need to hear to help them.
After 15 years practicing Rheumatology and thousands of consults, I know how to help you collect & organize the info your doctor needs.
I’ve put everything you need to prepare for your first autoimmune or arthritis appointment in the Appointment Home Run Handbook.
Great for 1st appointments with a Rheumatologist, but useful at any time in your journey with any specialist, use this guide to knock all your appointments outta the park!
Walk into your next appointment READY
Armed with the right information, you’ll be able to give your doctor what they need, so YOU get answers, faster.

Organize your symptoms & past results
Learn how your doctor thinks! Organize your symptoms so they can get you answers.

Tell your story effectively
No more going in circles! Learn what is the most important information for your doc.

Find hidden clues in your family history
Learn what to look for ~ your family holds the key to an autoimmune or arthritis diagnosis.